The Master of Theology degree goes beyond the standard MDiv to produce Bible expositors who are qualified to serve God effectively as pastors, missionaries, or leaders in Christian ministry.
Comparing a Traditional MDiv to a DTS ThM

The ThM offers a unique four-year curriculum that infuses the ministry training of a three-year MDiv with additional depth in Greek, Hebrew, and your chosen area of study.
The Master of Theology (ThM) program is composed of 120 credit hours, 91 of which are predetermined in the curriculum, with the remaining 29 credit hours devoted to a ministry emphasis based on vocational intent and interests.
Biblical Exposition
BE5101 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics
BE5102 Old Testament History I
BE5103 Old Testament History II & Poetry
BE5104 Old Testament Prophets
BE5105 The Gospels
BE5106 Acts & Pauline Epistles
BE5107 Hebrews, General Epistles, and Revelation
NT5110 New Testament Introduction
Systematic Theology
HT5101 The Church to the Modern Era
HT5102 Church in the Modern Era: Europe and North America
ST5101 Theological Method and Bibliology
ST5102 Trinitarianism
ST5103 Angelology, Anthropology, and Hamartiology
ST5104 Soteriology
ST5105 Sanctification and Ecclesiology
ST5106 Eschatology
NT5101 Elements of Greek
NT5102 Elements of Greek
NT5103 Intermediate Greek
NT5104 Introduction to New Testament Exegesis
NT5105 Exegesis of Romans
OT5101 Elements of Hebrew I
OT5102 Elements of Hebrew II
OT5103 Hebrew Exegesis and Old Testament Introduction I
OT5104 Hebrew Exegesis and Old Testament Introduction II
Ministries and Communication
CM5101 Pastoral Counseling and Ethics
EML5101 Designing and Leading Effective Ministries
MIM5101 Missiological and Intercultural Foundations
PM5101 Christian Life and Witness
PM5103 Expository Preaching I
PM5104 Expository Preaching II
PM5110 Capstone Preaching
SF5100 Spiritual Formation
Concentration & Research Courses
INT5130 ThM Ministry Formation Internship
RS5102 Senior Research Seminar OR XX5902 Thesis
Electives* – 24 credit hours
*Students must complete at least 9 of their elective hours in the Division of Ministries and Communication.
Program Details
Match your classes to your calling
The ThM allows students to choose a concentration that aligns with their gifting and future ministry goals.
Apologetics and Philosophy
Students in this concentration will be equipped to respond effectively to intellectual challenges to their faith and to use philosophical reflection to serve Christ and His church.
Bible Exposition
Students in this concentration will be equipped for a lifetime of study, exposition, and application of the Scriptures.
Bible Translation
Students in this concentration will be equipped for the task of Bible translation.
Chinese Ministry
Students in this concentration will be equipped to respond to challenges related to ministry in Chinese communities, whether concerning leadership, inter-generations, or particular geographic regions.
Counseling and Ministry Care
Students in this concentration will be equipped for effective Christian counseling in a nonprofessional environment.
Disability Ministry
Students in this concentration will be equipped to constructively engage the issues and implications of ministering with persons affected by disability.
Educational Ministries
Students in this concentration will be equipped for educational ministry and leadership through training in foundational skills related to the design, direction, supervision, and evaluation of various aspects of a local church or parachurch ministry program.
Evangelism and Discipleship
Students in this concentration will be equipped to do the work of evangelism and to develop disciples.
General Studies
Students in this concentration will be equipped for their particular ministry goals and/or interests through a customized, general course of study.
Historical Theology
Students in this concentration will be equipped, through studying the development of the Christian faith, to communicate faithfully the teachings of Scripture in continuity with historic orthodoxy.
Students in this concentration will be equipped to develop their personal preaching styles in order to prepare them for pastoral ministry that is centered on biblical exposition.
International Missions
Students in this concentration will be equipped for a variety of ministries in international environments through training in cultural dynamics, intercultural communication, missions strategies, applied contextualization, and intercultural spiritual formation.
Jewish Studies
Students in this concentration will be equipped to serve among the Jewish people.
Leadership Studies
Students in this concentration will be equipped, through training in areas such as personal leadership development, change and resistance in leadership, team leadership, and emotional intelligence, in such a way as to enhance their ability to provide servant leadership within personal, ministry, parachurch, and other contexts.
Media Arts and Worship
Students in this concentration will be equipped to serve the Lord in media arts-related positions as worship pastors, artists, writers, musicians, directors, and producers in a variety of vocational contexts.
Ministry with Women
Students in this concentration will be equipped to understand women as an audience and learners and to teach, lead, mentor, shepherd, and care for women in a variety of contexts.
Multicultural Ministries
Students in this concentration will be equipped for a variety of ministries in multi-ethnic and culturally diverse environments in North America through training in cultural dynamics, intercultural communication, missions strategies, applied contextualization, and intercultural spiritual formation.
New Testament Studies
Students in this concentration will be equipped for ministry in a variety of settings through advanced studies in the New Testament in such areas as grammatical/textual studies, background studies, Gospel/Jesus studies, and exegetical/theological studies.
Old Testament Studies
Students in this concentration will be equipped in the areas of interpreting the Hebrew text, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, theological and spiritual formation, and engaging contemporary culture.
Pastoral Theology and Practice
Students in this concentration will be equipped for the multiple challenges of pastoral ministry in the local church through training in pastoral theology and broad exposure to diverse pastoral skills.
Spiritual Formation
Students in this concentration will be equipped, through training in areas such as the practice of spiritual disciplines and spiritual formation in historical perspective and in contemporary culture, in such as a way to enhance their ability to guide others in spiritual formation in a variety of ministry settings.
Systematic Theology
Students in this concentration will be equipped, through systematic study of the sources of the evangelical Christian faith, to constructively engage the issues and implications of theology in various ministerial settings.
Program Goals
Students in the ThM program will:
- Demonstrate the ability to exegete the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible
- Preach the Bible effectively
- Apply leadership and educational methods and practices to a ministry population
- Evidence a commitment to multiplying disciples of all nations
Transfer of Credit
Transfer credit of up to 80 semester hours is allowed toward the ThM degree from accredited graduate theological schools. Consult the Registrar’s office for specific information on transfer of credit.

Financial Aid
Through our donors and Foundation, we are able to offer hundreds of scholarships to students every year.

Finishing Strong
This scholarship makes completing your ThM program more affordable by covering up to 100% of tuition in the final year.

Logos Bible Software
Every student at DTS receives a copy of Logos Bible Software customized with additional commentaries and resources, and DTS courses integrate Logos into assignments and learning.