Apply for VA Educational Benefits

If you are applying to use your VA Educational Benefits for the first time, you will need to request a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). You can do so by calling the VA at (888) 442-4551. Alternatively, you can use the VA’s online form to request a COE:

Apply to Use Your VA Benefits at DTS

The DTS Financial Aid Office will need several documents in order to begin certifying you for VA Educational Benefits.

  1. A scanned copy of your most recent Certificate of Eligibility (COE), emailed to [email protected]
  2. A scanned copy of your DD-214, emailed to [email protected]
  3. Official, electronic copies of your military transcripts (if applicable), sent to [email protected]
    1. Need help requesting your transcripts? Follow this link:
  4. Completion of VA Form 22-1995 (if applicable), which transfers your remaining educational benefits to DTS:

Semester Request for VA Benefit Use at DTS

This form must be completed each semester a student intends to use their VA Educational Benefits at DTS.

To expedite processing time and payment from the VA, it is recommended that students submit their request forms in accordance with the following deadlines:

Fall Semester Deadline: July 15th
Winter Semester Deadline: October 15th
Spring Semester Deadline: November 15th
Summer Semester Deadline: April 1st

Payment Information

Once DTS Financial Aid has received all required documents listed above, they will notify the DTS Bursar to clear you financially for the semester, pending payment from the VA. This will ensure that you are not dropped from courses due to nonpayment.

After the VA processes payment toward a student’s semester, students are responsible for any remaining balance on their student account. The VA will only pay for courses required for your degree program, as well as required fees. The VA will not pay for audit courses or optional fees, such as audit fees, recreational fees, drop fees, late registration fees, and change of schedule fees.

Location Notice

Currently, VA Educational Benefits can only be used at the following DTS campuses:

  • Washington, DC
  • Dallas, TX
  • Fort Worth, TX
  • Houston, TX
  • Austin, TX
  • San Antonio, TX
  • College Station, TX
  • Online

Comparison Tools

Prospective military students are encouraged to investigate the following links to government-provided resources to help you investigate and evaluate the program offerings, costs, and financial aid available at various schools. Dallas Theological Seminary participates in these tools as required for a graduate school of theology.

The College Scoreboard is a planning tool and resource to help evaluate options in selecting a school.

The Paying for College page can be used by prospective students to enter the names of up to three schools and receive detailed financial information on each one.

DTS provides Seminary Comparison, a tool for comparing recent data about select seminaries according to school data, curriculum, degree costs, and living factors.