This page lists the most common tuition and fees.

Tuition Costs

wdt_IDEnglish Tuition RatesCost per hourCost
1Master’s English (and Doctoral Leveling)$680
6Doctoral English$710
wdt_IDGlobal Language RatesCost per hourCost
1Master’s, Chinese and Spanish*$315
6DMin/DEdMin, Spanish#$130

* Additional financial aid is available for international students.
# Students must qualify to receive this rate. Please contact the department for more information.

wdt_IDSpecialized Tuition DetailsCost per hourCost
7Masters Audit$50Auditing, master’s degree course, per credit hour
8Doctoral Audit$55
13ThM Tuition Free, or additional$50
16Alumni, Masters (non-degree)$250Alumni, master’s-level, nondegree credit, per credit hour
17Alumni, Doctoral (non-degree)$350Alumni, doctoral-level, nondegree credit, per credit hour
18Ministry Partner, Masters$340
19Ministry Partner, Doctoral$497


wdt_IDTerm FeesCost
1General Fee (fall/spring)$75
2General Fee (winter/summer)$10/hour
3General Fee (DMin/DEdMin)$15/hour
4Technology Fee (fall/spring)$260
5Technology Fee (winter/summer)$35/hour
6Technology Fee (DMin/DEdMin)$35/hour
wdt_IDCourse and Program FeesCost
10MAC Student Counseling Fee$100
11PhD Modern Language Exam Fee$15
12LEAD Program Fee$100
16Psychological Assessment, per individual, PhD program$60
17Internship Assessment Fee$100
19Spiritual Formation Fee$100/term
20Student Sit-in$50
21Spouse Sit-In (with student)$0
22Rapid Reading (optional)$20/term
24Course extension for DMin/DEdMin$20/course
wdt_IDThesis and Dissertation FeesCost
1Master's Thesis Filing Fee$60
2PhD/EdD/DEdMin/DMin Dissertation or Applied Research Project Filing Fee (includes microfilming)$100
3Binding Fee (for each personal copy of dissertation or applied research project desired)$25
wdt_IDGraduation, Diplomas, and Transcripts FeesCost
6Graduation/Conferral Fee, all students and all programs$250
7Graduation Postponement Fee$250
8Diploma Replacements$35
9Transcript Fee, per transcript$15
wdt_IDApplication and New Student FeesCost
1Application Fee$75
2Reclassification Fee$75
3Orientation Fee/New Student Assessment Fee$75
13Seminary Readiness Retake Fee$100
wdt_IDLate FeesCost
5Late Registration Fee$100
7Late Payment Fee$100
9Parking Violations$25