Jose L. Cruz
Coordinador DMin y DEdMin en Español.

Dr. Cruz has served as a lead pastor in Central America, Latin America coordinator for a non-profit organization, cross-cultural church planter (Middle East, El Salvador, US), and professor.
His areas of expertise are honor and shame cultures and the ministry relationships between East and West.
He is married to Betsy, who serves refugees at the Northwest Community Center for Refugees in Vickery Meadows, Dallas. They are the parents of Andrés and Camilla, married to Elijah Kost.
José loves to share with his students about the love of the Triune God for the nations of the world. He also believes that prayer based on God’s Word is a delightful tool that God gave his church.
José enjoys jogging, going on walks with wife and dog Mourinho. The Cruz family lives in Plano, Texas.
- Is Cross-Cultural Church Planting a Biblical Mandate or a Western Imposition? Occasional Bulletin of EMS. Vol. 31 No. 1 p. 11-18. Fall 2017.
- Mi Salvación Hasta lo Postrero de la Tierra: Exposición de Isaías. V Magna Conferencia sobre la Mision Mundial de la Iglesia. April 2010. Published by Seminario Teologico C.A. Guatemala, Guatemala, p.74.
- Cruzando Fronteras Asiáticas con Equipos Misioneros Transculturales. V Magna Conferencia sobre la Mision Mundial de la Iglesia. April 2010. Published by Seminario Teologico C.A. Guatemala, Guatemala, p.59
- El Valor de la Amistad en la Obra Misionera. Revista Etnos No. 6, p. 18-19, 2011. Centro Misionológico del Seminario Teológico Centroamericano, Guatemala.
- La Iglesia y las Organizaciones Para eclesiásticas. Mision Global (e-copy on internet). Editor: Levy de Carvalho, Centro Latinoamericano para la Mision Mundial.