The seminary’s commitment to excellence in preparing communicators of the Bible has set it in a place of distinction. What is it that makes DTS different from many other seminaries?
A Consistent Theological Approach
DTS stands unequivocally committed to God’s inerrant Scriptures. This commitment leads to a system of doctrine in which the great fundamentals of the Christian faith are affirmed and expounded. The doctrines of evangelical orthodoxy are taught in the framework of premillennial, dispensational theology, derived from a consistent grammatical-historical interpretation of the Bible.
Bible-centered Curriculum
The study of the entire Bible is a central characteristic of the DTS curriculum. Every student in a professional master’s-level ministry degree program studies the 66 books of the Bible in expositional and exegetical courses.
A World-Class Faculty
Resident and adjunct faculty collectively hold over 230 graduate degrees from universities and seminaries around the world. Ninety-two percent of the resident faculty have at least one doctorate. Altogether, resident and retired faculty have authored more than 450 books.
A Dynamic Spiritual Emphasis
At DTS, the cultivation of the spiritual life is inseparably fused with the scholarly study of biblical and related subjects. All of this is designed to prepare students to communicate the Word of God in the power of His Spirit. A few ways that DTS intends to cultivate student's spiritual life include:
- SF5100 Spiritual Formation, which is a requirement in most degree programs.
- Weekly chapel, where students, faculty, and staff gather to worship God in song and be encouraged through His Word.
- The Agape Project, which encourages students to move outside the seminary walls and engage compassionately in the communities in which they work and live. Agape Projects are embedded within many of the seminary’s classes and allow students the opportunity to demonstrate what it means to teach truth and love well.
A Strong Commitment to Missions
DTS demonstrates its commitment to missions through its programs and conferences, which expose students to the diverse nature of missions and the unique opportunities for vocational missionary service. These include:
- The annual World Evangelization Conference
- Master of Theology with an emphasis in International Missions
- Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies
- Master of Arts in Biblical Exegesis and Linguistics