Howard Hendricks Tribute

Mark L. Bailey
Words seem so inadequate to express my heartfelt appreciation for you. You have been a model, a colleague, an unofficial mentor and most of all, a friend. Your tape series on communication and leadership was used by our Lord to impact my life at a very pivotal period in my teaching career before I ever came to DTS.
Barby and I first met you and Jeanne at a Walk Thru the Bible staff training conference, where as a board member and wife, you both took precious moments to give us counsel about the invitation being extended to join the DTS faculty. What a memorable conversation! I never expected to teach BE101 with you for 25 years; Barby and I could never have hoped for the relationship you and Jeanne have so graciously extended to us.
You both have been a gift from God. Your love for the Word is so contagious. Your creative spirit motivates me to be more excellent in my own ministry. Your insatiable quest for truth and method set the bar high for all. Your model of love with Jeanne on campus, in conferences, with Walk Thru the Bible staff and board retreats, at socials, or just at home illuminates for Barby and me the path of lifelong romance.
Thanks for all you mean to us. Thanks for the untold moments over coffee, diet Cokes, or soup and salad. You have marked my life and I am better because of my time with you. I love and appreciate you my friend.
Mark L. Bailey, Ph.D.
President, Dallas Theological Seminary

Chuck Swindoll
No man has meant more to me in my adult life than Dr. Howard G. Hendricks, whom all of us know as simply, ’Prof.‘ My wife, Cynthia, and I first met him in the fall of 1959 during my days as a first-year student at Dallas Seminary. It was one of those ’love at first sight‘ experiences between a student and a professor. Ultimately, I took every course he offered during my four years at DTS. Our relationship grew only closer and deeper as more than 50 years passed. His mark on me as a teacher has been etched permanently into my life and my ministry. Since I was his student, I have not prepared a message from God’s Word without remembering and applying the techniques Prof taught me.
He and I became even closer as he and Jeanne became a vital part of our church family—Stonebriar Community Church—which I have pastored since its inception almost 15 years ago. His years of leadership as one of our elders only deepened my respect for him. His and Jeanne’s faithful presence in our worship services have been a blessed benediction to all our congregation as more and more came to know them and to love them. Who would have ever guessed that I would have the rare privilege to serve as Prof’s pastor, or that I—of all people—would have the distinct honor of opening the Word as he would sit and listen (and take notes!) from one week to the next? But I must add that no one was more encouraging, affirming, or appreciative than this great man of God.
Toward the closing days of his life, Cynthia and I were with Prof and his wife in their home. Shortly before we left I asked if I could pray with them. I wanted to take him in my arms, hold his head close to mine, and whisper how deeply and dearly I have loved him all these years, but I didn’t want to embarrass him. We simply held hands—his were quivering—and I choked out a few words, to which he responded periodically with quiet sighs. It was a brief but sweet visit. As we walked to our car, tears filled my eyes. We drove away in silence. My mind was flooded with memories, some of which were so vivid, I felt the grip of grief tightening within as they flashed before me.
What a magnificent man he has been to so many of us, so much so, it was easy for us to assume he would be here forever. But having been with him on that last occasion and having witnessed how weak and frail he had become, I knew differently. On that pensive, tearful afternoon, I came to the realization that he is slipping away from us and will soon find himself in his eternal home, where he longed to be. Hard as it was to do so, I forced myself to release him, entrusting him to the One he has loved and served with such passion and commitment throughout his life. It was almost unbearable to think that I had been in his presence, hearing that inimitable voice, for the last time on earth.
I cannot imagine the crowns and numerous other eternal rewards that were awaiting our beloved Prof as he entered the place he called “home.” He is now in the presence of the Lamb, in all His glory. He is now, at last, in Immanuel’s land.
The sands of time are sinking, the dawn of heaven breaks; The summer morn I’ve sighed for, the fair, sweet morn awakes; Dark, dark hath been the midnight, but dayspring is at hand, And glory, glory dwelleth in Immanuel’s land.
The bride eyes not her garment, but her dear bridegroom’s face; I will not gaze at glory, but on my King of grace; Not at the crown He giveth, but on His pierced hand, The Lamb is all the glory in Immanuel’s land.
Chuck Swindoll
Stonebriar Community Church
Insight for Living
A Lasting Impact

Remembering the Life of Howard G. Hendricks
Some milestones in the life of a godly man.
I didn’t really know prof but at my church I heard he died I felt depressed I don’t really know why I guess he just has that kind of impact.
Brandon S
Although I never met the “Prof” personally, I am pleased to say that I feel like of the many he mentored. He has left this life, but he will continue to live in the lives he was used of God to shape.
Winston Thurton
Dr. Hendricks’ teaching on marriage, the home and family in the early 70s became foundational to our 2nd attempt to make marriage work for us. We are still going strong 43 years later! So grateful for Dr. Hendricks’ faithfulness to teach biblical principles.
Judy Heath
The year was 1974. I walked into my first class at DTS. It was the Christian Home. I walked down after class and spoke with Prof for about twenty minutes. That was the first time he was incredibly kind to talk with me about my life and ministry. I walked out of class and over to a pay phone. (In 1974, I didn’t have a cell phone and none of my friends did either). I called my mom. I wasn’t married yet. And I told her, “Mom, I just figured out why I came to seminary. In fact, I just figured out what I’m going to be doing for the rest of my life and ministry. I’m going to help build Christian families.” What an honor to receive my “calling” to ministry in Prof’s class. To have him be at Northwest Bible church the very first time I ever spoke from the pulpit. And to be a tremendous coach and encourager and I’m honored to say friend for these past almost 40 years. I wish so much Cindy and I could be there to hug Jean and to pay tribute to one of the “last lions” in family ministry. So many of us got our start in loving and serving God’s family because of this man’s love for Jesus and each of us.
John Trent
I graduated from DTS in 2006 and the Prof was one of my favorite professors, I will always remember him saying, “Master the Word of God and allow the Spirit of God to master you.”
Jacqueline Jeffries
A truly great educator makes you believe that you can do more with your life than you ever thought possible. Prof was one those rare teachers that made you wish class would never end while at the same time making you want to get out of the classroom and go change the world right now! His insight and conviction in the classroom carried over to the board room where powerful people gathered to make decisions and to the living room where baby Christians struggled to make sense of the Bible. If we were to be honest with ourselves, we would admit that there are few truly remarkable people in this world; he was one of them. We are blessed to call him “Prof.”
Mark Young
It is impossible to know where to begin in sharing a story about Prof. I was his grader, teaching assistant and then follow faculty member. He was very instrumental in my coming to DTS. Once there I immediately went up to his office to see him and the secretary told he had an opening in November. This was September, first day of class. Since one of my first courses was Bible Study Methods taught by prof I noticed each time after class he would stop at the Men’s room on his way back to his office. So, taking advantage of the opportunity I followed him in and took the few moments there together to ask all my questions from class. That forged a relationship so to speak!
Robert Hicks, Maitland, FL
I will never forget meeting him on the sidewalk after I had been gone most of a semester doing an independent study. As we met, to my surprise he stopped me and told me how much he had missed seeing me around campus. He was encouraging, upbeat, and truly real. For those few minutes I was the most important person to him. I loved that man. His classes were some of the best memories I have of my years at DTS. God blessed us through him. I truly loved that man.
Wayne Bangs
From the day 50 years ago when we walked on DTS campus Howard Hendricks has been for us “the Prof”. His input and encouragement has continued through each pastorate and ministry. We thank our Heavenly Father for including us in that company of students blessed to be prepared by Prof and Jeanie Hendricks. His teaching and timely direction will echo in our hearts and minds til we stand with him once again.
Jim and Phyllis Ann Rose
My favorite Prof quote. . . Gentleman here in class we are building a strong foundation upon which you will build your ministry. Today we are pouring concrete, yet most of you have shown up with a paintbrush.
Danny Hays
One day I asked Prof, “You’re such a popular person in society. So how do you guard against pride in your life?” Prof answered by referring me to 1 Cor.4:7 which states,”For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” In his comment, in his course, Prof wrote, "Dan, you will win Africa to Christ.” Praise be to God and may his family be comforted for such a wonderful child of God.
Danfulani Z. Kore
I live in the most northern city in North America (Edmonton, Alberta), far away from Dallas, Texas. And yet, ironically, last week, the Spirit spoke to me, gently telling me, “Prof is going to be with the Lord.” And a week later, I find he has indeed gone to be with our Saviour. The time has come! I took every class possible from Prof between 1994 and 1998! I went to every open house he and Jeanne hosted for students! I hung on every word. I transferred his Bible study methods to every area of my life! And 15 years later, I chew on the cud of his timeless works almost weekly! Even here at the public university where I teach student teachers in the Faculty of Education, we have, in our university library holdings, his books and the DVD series, the 7 Laws of Teaching! His legacy impacts hundreds of student teachers in Canada! I am tasting the bittersweet of home-going, and praying so gently for Jeanne and the family. In Yiddish, Prof would be called “The Mensch” and he embodied the meaning of such an honoured title in every way, 10,000-fold.
Susan Chaudoir, PhD(c), (DTS ‘98)
When I first heard the news of Prof. going to be with the Savior he loved, a profound sadness came over me. He taught me how to study the Word and it changed my life. Through lunches, dinner with our wives, phone calls and letters, he opened his heart and offered pearls of great wisdom. After graduation, I couldn’t wait to get a letter from Prof. I think I saved all of them. He knew relationships were for the long haul, and he left so much of himself in all of us. One of the pieces of advice he gave me years ago was, “If you can do anything without prayer is it really worth doing?” We will all miss him greatly, but we know for certain that He is in the presence of the Savior He loved.
Roy Fruits
When I sought his advise as I was finishing my seminary studies at DTS, he told me ‘ Sam never forget that you are a product of God’s grace and always be on guard against the Devil, he is always aiming at you. ‘ Even today as a Principal of a Theological College, I used his book while teaching Bible Study Methods. Thank God for the life spent well.
Aaron John Samuel
I am blessed to have been able to learn from Prof, dine with Prof, and pray with Prof. He was a man of insight and discipline. He loved Jesus and it showed. I am so thankful to have been one of his students. Some of his comments have been etched in my mind, and I doubt time will erase them. He encouraged me to embrace the “process” of becoming God’s product. I am determined to do just that. I am proud of this man. I am indebted to him in many ways. I am sad to know that he has gone on to be with our Lord, but the hope of reunion is one that I hold dear.
Janet Brady-Powell
I can remember the first assignment, Acts 1:8. I must have spent 6 hours trying to come up with observations… 35 as I look back in my old, 1st semester note book. I can remember being so excited going to class the next day thinking I had to have more than most other students…straining my brain to the most Profs Hendricks gave us an assignment During our leadership class in 1992-93 academic year; and the theme to discuss is the following: ‘If you have only one thing to do before going back to be with the Lord, what will that be?’ My wife and I discussed the assignment and decided to create “The Evangelical University of Chad”. Instead of writing an assignment, we wrote a project. We gave him the assignment. After reading it, he invited us in a restaurant just behind where the DTS restaurant is: He asked us whether we had a group of dear brethren in the Lord in Chad to help develop the idea. We said yes and gave him the name of “The EEMET = Entente des Eglise et Missions Evangéliques du Tchad” Fellowship of Evangelical Church and Missions in Chad. Before leaving he told us: "When you go back to Chad, the brethren may want to give you more assignment. But do not accept everything they want you to do, accept one or two. You can be effective in doing those. But if you grab more than necessary, you will not be effective in any.” Today The Evangelical University has been created and several students have been employed by the Government of Chad. We are now happy of that legacy. Good bye Prof. We will see you one day in front of the Lord that you spent so many time and love to show and to minister to.
Sem & Eunice Beasnael. Moundou Chad. Africa
The first time I met Prof. I was in awe of his teaching and preaching skills – he could hold a class spellbound for over 70 minutes. However, over the years I grew to appreciate Prof. more and more. His passion and commitment to ministry, his love for students, and most of all his love for the Savior were all clearly evident. Even in his latter years, Prof’s joyful exuberance and love for others never faded. Prof. challenged each one of us to live more fully committed lives for Christ. Our loss is heaven’s gain. Prof., I can’t wait to see you again!
Andrew Carr
How can I forget the talks we had with him at the outside bench as well as the discussions after class. Then there was the time he invited my friend, Roy Blake, and me to go with him to buy us all an ice cream cone and walk back to campus sharing about ministry.
Charles Sell
As a young person I had the privilege many times of hearing Dr. Hendrick’s speak at Forest Home Christian Conference Center in CA. I thought what a dynamic individual, and what a blessed seminary DTS must be to have profs of this caliber teaching their students. His sense of humor alone undoubtedly created a happy environment to study under. Almost 40 years later I entered DTS the same semester Dr. Hendrick’s stepped down. Nuts!!
There are lives that God marks whose influence will remain through all the generations that follow. Dr. Hendrick’s was marked with such a life.
Nancy Mackensen
Taking “The Christian Home” from “Mr. Hendricks” (as we called him then)in 1965, was the best thing we did for our young marriage. This year we celebrate our golden anniversary. The vivid memories and worn notes remind us of the best teacher we ever had.
Lew Whittle
I am tempted to say, “I’ve lost my best friend,” but we all know Prof. Hendricks is not lost because we know where he is. He now resides in the Celestial City.
We first met in the mid 1940’s at Wheaton College. Howie was a year ahead and was senior class president and I was the leader of the junior class. We were strong but friendly competitors in all our class activities. When I learned he came to DTS (after considering Princeton) I swallowed my pride and wrote asking if he would recommend I come to Texas. His response led me to apply. Thanks Prof. for directing me to “Dallas,” it changed the course of my life and ministry.
We formed a fast friendship during student days as neighbors in “Trailerville,” working long hours on the factory floor at the John E. Mitchell Company, sharing classes and a study carrel on the fourth floor of then un-air conditioned Davidson Hall. We joined the faculty at about the same time. Many days we ate our modest bag lunches together while he shared his ideas on a course he was teaching at the time; methodical Bible study. Often we would make a trip to Skillerns on Skillman for dessert, chocolate nut sundaes. (Our wives never knew!)
We experienced the agonies and ecstasies of raising our families together and sorrowed together over the death of family members.
After my retirement our monthly lunch foursomes continued.
Just about one month ago, Howie, my friend, I saw you for the last time (on earth) as we visited and prayed together in your home.
With your additions to DTS’s enduring legacies; encouraging and equipping so many to more effective ministry, one wonders; worldwide and across generations:
-How many hearts and minds renewed to life?
-How many eternal destinies changed?
Howie, yours was a life of eternal value, invested well.
Don Campbell
Even before coming to DTS, Prof’s books and tapes fueled my excitement for studying the Bible. Then it was great to sit under Prof’s teaching and help as his grader and TA during my time at DTS. He loved God, the Bible, and his students.
Greg MaGee
Dr Hendricks was one of my favorite profs. The place that his 301 Bible Study and Herm. class really for me brought an organization and direction for all of my other classes at the seminary. Every once in a while I would sense the need to go back and refresh myself on his instruction that I received in class. His instruction also prepared me for the A/V course I took with Don Regier shortly before I graduated in the spring of 1996. The effect of Dr. Hendrick’s course on me propelled me to want to teach others also the invaluable opportunity that awaits every believer to train himself or herself in dilligence to make an impact for the cause of Christ! To the Hendricks family my heartfelt condolences and thanks for his godly example he lived and taught through the years.
In the work of the Master,
Brian Sjoquist
Rest in peace
No professor at DTS impacted my personal life and ministry more than Prof Hendricks and his teaching assistant Dr. Elliot Johnson.
One of my first assignments at the seminary was from Acts 1:8, and Dr. Johnson showed us how to trace the continuity of the Text. That lesson became life transforming. The ways in which Prof Hendricks taught me study the Scripture in both Bible 301 and the Advanced Bible Study Methods Course became foundational for my personal study and lesson preparation since seminary.
Prof taught me “how to fish,” and I have been fishing and eating well and feeding others during my 43 years since seminary. I will be eternally grateful for how that man and his assistance taught me how to discover Truth from the Word of God.
Phill Heideman
My four years at Dallas were the most exciting educational years in my life. Central to that training was the impact of “Prof”. I will never forget his comment to me following a question and answer session while on a counseling field trip in Oklahoma. “Larry,” he said, “you ask very insightful questions.” The fact that “Prof” thought that about my inquiries had a huge impact on me. It stirred a sense of confidence in me. It was in fact, his habit to encourage all his students. Thanks, “Prof” for your significant influence on my life.
Larry Katz, 1965
Although I never met “Prof” he has deeply impacted my life as a believer. His personal testimony inspired me in my initial years and encouraged me to reach out to the young people in my sphere of influence for Christ. His books gave me courage to teach. Because of him I so desired to go to DTS just to be under his teaching. And although I did not go there, because of Prof I believe I inspired my Sunday School students to want to live for Christ – to the glory of God. A couple of them even went to DTS! Praise God for Prof’s awesome legacy. Comfort and peace to the Hendricks family.
Patricia McE
I am one among the many living DTS grads whose lives were changed by Profs.teaching. i hope the school house clock on the wall in your cabin will be a small reminder of my love for the Hendricks. May the clock remind you dear family of the thousands of lives HGH molded. My love and prayers.
Bill & Margaret Stowell Wheeler – Class of 1965
I was assigned to clean Howard Hendrick’s building as custodian while I was a student at DTS from 1992 to 1995. Every time I met him in his office, his smile and his humility always made me so welcomed. His warm heart and personality seem irreplaceable. We all will surely miss him.
Zammang Mualcin (Zam Mang, STM 1995)
Thankfully, I got to know Prof. Hendricks through his Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics class. Prof. Hendricks was a great speaker and his passion for God’s Word was clear. He and Dr. Bailey taught us the importance of observing, interpreting, and applying God’s Word to our lives.
When I spoke with him, Prof. Hendricks was down-to-earth and kind. He leaves behind an incredible legacy.
Yetunde Oke
While preparing a message for the anniversary of Sept 11th, I was re-reading the book, Let’s Roll! by Lisa Beamer (Tyndale, 2002). I noticed a detail I never knew.
At the crash site in Shanksville, PA, family members of those on United Flight 93 were invited to place different mementos at the memorial that had been set up.
Lisa Beamer wrote: “As my special mementos of Todd, I left an Oracle pen, a Chicago Bulls cap, some pictures of Todd and the boys, and a container of M&M’s (one of Todd’s favorite candies), notes from family members expressing our love and how proud we were of Todd and how we hoped we would make him proud of us, too, and a book, A Life of Integrity by Howard Hendricks, that Todd and the guys had been using in their Friday-morning breakfast group.” (page 232)
A life of Godly influence.
Steve Hopper
Prof. Hendricks was a mesmerizing teacher. Bible Study Methods and Christian Home were life-changing. But I majored in Hebrew, not Hendricks. He was consistently affirming in our passing conversations, but I was not sure he knew my name among the hundreds who were eager to spend a few minutes with him.
Imagine my shock when I received a hand-written note of encouragement from Prof Hendricks during my last semester. I had spoken at a retreat where my sessions were openly anchored in his insights on marriage and parenting. The host pastor apparently wrote Prof Hendricks a note of encouragement regarding the impact of his teaching. He turned that affirmation toward me, celebrating the ways he believed God would use my ministry in the years ahead.
After three decades of hearing similar stories, it is clear that I was one of hundreds, perhaps thousands, who received such treasured notes. In the providence of God, I was privileged to pastor a church in Fort Worth where the Hendricks have numerous friends. We have known the delight of sharing meals with them…the consternation of standing to preach, of seeing Prof and Jeanne in the audience, and wishing I had developed a more powerful introduction that fit seamlessly with the conclusion…the rich blessing of constant encouragement by words and example to invest in others joyfully as you finish the race at a full sprint. Prof’s race is done…his legacy will echo forever.
Ken Horton
Hendricks had the “smell” of the street about him, but the street never defined him. He brought back stories from his extensive travels, and they got our noses out of academia and into the desperate needs of humanity and the power of the gospel to redeem us. I’m glad our paths crossed. Thank you, Prof, and thank you, Jeanne.
Pastor Bo and Carole Matthews
Dr. Hendricks gave me a love for the Bible. I still teased my husband that according to Dr. Hendricks, we should not bore people with the Bible. All students knew that about him.
Bibiana Morgan
Our beloved “Prof” is now being taught by The Teacher. We bless “Howie’s” memory. Shalom,
Ken Hyatt DTS ‘62-64
As a student in the late 1950’s, not able to graduate for lack of ability in the languages, I studied everything Prof. Hendricks taught, went to the education field, taught, and quoted him all my life. What a blessing he was!
Jim Wright
Outside of my dad, no one was more formative in my life in terms of ministry and perspectives on life and people than Prof Hendricks. My first memories of him were when he did a speaking conference at my dad’s church. I was a little boy and can remember being somewhat awed at meeting such an important person who was sporting a warm, caring smile and a nifty bowtie! Little did I know then that he would be teaching me how to unwrap God’s Word in my first year class at DTS when he taught Methods of Bible Study. I remember how honored I felt when, after graduating from DTS, I received a personal handwritten note from him that said, “Welcome to the team.” When preparing sermons I can always hear his voice echoing in my mind saying, “it’s a sin to bore people with the Bible.” Prof remained a good friend and mentor through the years. I will miss him, but the powers and influence of the memories will remain. Of course we all know that without Jeanne, his impact on our lives would have been deeply discounted. Martie and I are praying that God will comfort and strengthen her in this time of loss.
Joe Stowell (DTS ’70), president of Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Amazing man, as a lay person first heard at Promise Keepers 1995 and lessoned to everything I could get my hand on that he did.
Carl Feddeler
A great man of God who spoke with great humor and from his generous heart. Dr Hendricks taught me about teaching, preaching and living a passionate life for Christ through his books and sermons. i strive to be a better preacher, teacher and missionary because of his investment. i drank from a running stream than a stagnant pool. Thank God for you Prof…
His servant from Singapore serving in Indonesia.
Desmond Soh
Three friends and I took Prof up on his offer to have lunch with any group of Bible Study Methods who wished it. I asked him, if we forgot everything else he had ever taught us (which was unlikely), what one thing would he want us to remember? He thought a moment and replied, “Finish well.” He said plenty of people in the Bible did well for a time, but very few of them finished their lives faithfully. Dr. Hendricks did what he admonished us to do that day. It blesses me to have learned from him even in just that one class.
May the Lord comfort the Hendricks and DTS families in this loss of one of His very good gifts to His church.
christina moore
An amazing man, an amazing teacher and an amazing example and all because of God’s Amazing Grace. Didn’t he run the race well… a good and faithful servant in-deed. An encouragement to the Christians of this tumultuous era. “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life”. Rev.2:10
Ralph. M
Never attended DTS; As a young believer and employed in Christian radio, I devoured his messages and had dozens of his tapes. Used his teaching as a basis for my teaching in Sunday School. Shamelessly used his messages to instruct others! Was privileged to introduce him at a banquet and have lunch with him the next day. My wife still teases me that I was like a star struck kid. His stamp and legacy reach well beyond his students at DTS. While he will be missed, he is enjoying the fruit of his labors and faithfulness!
Ken Andrews
Prof opened my horizon to the wonder of God’s Word and how to understand it properly. From his mouth, “One should aim not so much to master the Word but to be mastered by the Word.”
Prof and Jeanne had graciously visited us and shared their life in the Philippines.Thank you!
We also love the way Prof brush his nose!
Allen Lim
HH was one of my favorite profs who truly had the gift of encouragement. He has definitely marked my life.
Hyatt Baker
I had the privilege of hearing Dr. Hendricks speak at a conference in the mid 70’s. His topic was ‘God is the Audience’. I still remember value the insights and clear teaching he provided.
Dale Canton
“Prof” (many professors on campus, but only one Prof!) was my first introduction to DTS as a teenager in Chennai, then Madras, India. I was mesmerized by his communication…still remember one of his decades ago.
Got a couple of extraordinary private times with him during one of his stays at the hospital.
I remember visiting with him about joining the board of Promise Keepers and challenges of leadership.
He was one of RREACH’s earliest master-coaches encouraging the launch of the Global Proclamation Academy on the seminary campus.
I believe I walked with him to campus on the last day that he and Jeanne came to the campus. He stumbled for a moment, and I had my arm around this precious and strategic man.
One of the great servants of Christ who influenced a couple of generations for Christ! That’s the great thing about the longevity of professors, and the seminary itself–multi-generational, multi-layered, multi-national contribution to the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, our Lord Jesus.
I wish for his mantle to fall upon all of us presently serving the seminary in terms of “non-bracketed” influence for Christ DTS. He could not be stereotyped easily, and that made him acceptable to a wide spectrum of believers.
Thanks Prof!
From Dubai at the moment
Ramesh Richard
A “middle-aged/second career” student at DTS, my job at graduation was doorman at the venue. As Dr. Hendricks approached I greeted him “Good morning Dr. Hendricks”. He smiled, grabbed my arm and said, “Better to be a doorman in the House of the Lord”. Thereafter, to me he was always “Prof”.
Phil Bray
The death of our beloved “prof” hit us like a brick. Howie Hendricks was unforgettably vivid and imaginative in teaching style, dead accurate on getting across whatever subject he chose to speak on, and always convicting in aiming for the heart of truth. He really believed in us and our service for the Lord. Marilyn and I will greatly miss him.
Edward L. Hayes, President Emeritus Denver Seminary, former director Mount Hermon Assn.
I first heard him at a Campus Crusade Christmas Conference in Dallas while in high school back in 1973. His enthusiasm for God’s Word was captivating. I found myself quoting this man and drawing illustrations I remembered from the overhead projector he used while teaching. I can still envision his handwriting with those thin markers. Now, forty years later, I am still quoting him and recalling that handwriting.
He inspired me to want to be a godly wife and mother as he talked about his beloved Jean. He spoke so highly of the importance of being an encouraging wife to those of us whose husbands were in the ministry and to see our children as our primary disciples. I have tears in my eyes as I write—I count it a privilege that God placed my husband at DTS. He is one of thousands who would agree that Howard Hendricks influenced our marriage and ministry like no other! Praise God!
Grace Standard
Prof. Howard Hendricks will always be remembered for His commitment to the exposition of the Word and zeal to teach it with integrity. He used to tell us not to bore people with the Word as he carefully taught us to make meaningful observations
Isaias Uaene 2002
When prof said he was from Irish descent when we first met him in 2000 and we didn’t know who this older gentleman was, I was “alright, why do a lot of Americans say that?”but after taking all the classes he offered, having the privilege of Tuesday 6am in the fall semester bible studies, numerous breakfast, lunches, dinners, read many of his books and the way he made us feel so special even though we were far away from home I am honored, thankful and now I can confirm and agree he is from Irish descent! His legacy continues to be lived out through many of his students each day around the world…looking forward to seeing him someday around the throne worshipping our Lord whom he taught about so clearly and revealed so faithfully. Praying for the family. A day of rejoicing for our beloved “Prof”
David Murphy
Prof was one of the first mentors who taught me the principles of leadership that we all need. In that aspect he was far ahead of the curve in the Christian world. But more than that, he cared about those he mentored. I am a product of that care and will always be grateful for that relationship.
John Townsend
In 1970 when I was about to graduate from DTS, I mentioned to Prof that I hoped the Lord would call me to pastor a church in my hometown of Philadelphia. Prof recommended my name to the church that he grew up in as a boy in Philadelphia, The Fellowship Church. That launched me into my first pastorate out of seminary, and a 40 year pastoral career to follow. Thank you, Prof Hendricks.
Allan Maitha
What pleasant memories we hold dear of Prof Hendricks explicit teachings from our visits to Word of Life during at least three summers in the 1970 / 1980’s from Bermuda!
Allan & Mildred Hunt
I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that of all the classes I took at DTS the one I most looked forward to each week was Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods. I thank God that my late wife and I were among the many thousands who have been impacted by the teaching of Prof Hendricks.
Fred Barton
Prof has left a legacy in many lives, including mine. In my short stint on DTS faculty he was such an encouragement. He taught me that as a teacher, I must first be a learner. His statement “I would rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pool” is a constant reminder that I must be always learning. Thanks prof for investing in our lives.
Siang-Kiang Koh
Prof’s enthusiasm for the Word and his passion for the Savior was contagious. He taught me how to mine the Scriptures and Haddon Robinson modeled/taught how to communicate the results. The mentor of mentors and i owe him much for his lasting impact on my life and ministry. Can anyone forget Acts 1:8 and squeezing it dry with those first year observations–”Gentlemen, look for 50 more observations!” And with his index finger swiping his nose, he’d go back to the board filled with enthusiasm for the next step.
Chuck Tompkins ‘71
What an impact…starting when I was a baby christian by tape ministry in the late 70’s. Finally got to see him live at The Cove with my husband 3x …what a charged up experience to keep keeping on!
Rebecca Stephonic
God used Prof at a speaking engagement at Hume Lake Conference grounds to plant the seeds of transitioning into full time ministry, moving to Texas to attend DTS. Thanks Prof for your faithfulness to our Lord!!
Bryan Tema
“You cannot impart what you do not posses.” I live by this quote of “Prof.”
Ron Brenning
After 50 years of preaching the professor that most shaped my preaching ministry Dr. Hendricks.
James Higgs
So, when I was a student, my parents visited from out of town, and they wanted to meet Prof. The day they wanted to visit the campus, we learned that Prof was at home.
I emailed him telling him that my parents were in town and that they would like to visit him and say hello. Because I knew he was at home I said, “I understand you’re not on campus today, so I’ll just tell them “Sorry, but another time.” Prof emailed me back, asking for my number, called me at home and said, “Warren this is Prof. “Where do they want to meet?”
So prof drove from his home to campus just to have lunch with me and my parents.
Such a kind gesture. He didn’t have to do it, but he did, and it was time well spent.
Certainly a man the world was not worthy of!
Warren Neverson
Thank you Prof. I’ve forgotten all of my calculus, physics, Greek, and Latin, but I will never forget Observation, Interpretation, Application, and Correlation/Communication!
J. Scott Fleming
Prof was a primary influence on my life and ministry and the most effective motivator I’ve ever known. I thank God for his life and years of ministry at DTS. For Jeannie and the family my prayer is Numbers 6:24-26.
David Cotten
He was so wise and even more humble. “It’s not how many times you’ve been through the Bible – it’s how many times it has been through you.” Well done, Prof.
Lisa Casimir
Prof raised the bar as a teacher, friend and encourager. He will be remembered in so many ways but tops is the way he got under your spiritual skin and made you read the Book, love the Book and live the Book more. He once said, “Now throw your class notes away and study the Word with the tools you have and stay fresh.”
Virgil and Celia Stoneking
Contagious, that was Prof. His love for the Word and for the Savior; his passion for effective teaching of the Word; his animated approach to truth and devotion to mentoring students have shaped my life and ministry. What a treasure! What a legacy! I rejoice at every remembrance of Prof.
Ken Hanna
I never forgot Prof saying, “men, there are three things you need to be ready to do at a moments notice, preach, pray, die.” So far I’ve done two. He has now done all three. When I do my third, I’ll definitely look him up.
Roger Winburg
We were in Bible study class and Prof was expounding at great length and detail on a particular verse where the word “but” was an important “hinge” to the interpretation of the passage. Finally, Prof was ready to move on stating, “Now that we have our ‘but’ under our belt . . .” His face turned this amazing beet red as the whole class erupted in laughter.
Michael Huber
“He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.” He was the great professor, and thousands around the world look upon glimpses of him in his students. He has imparted what he possessed.
John B. Standard
Amongst the many blessings Howard Hendricks has left us, has always been his concern for Christian growth in the family. As a staff member of CCC in Australia for some 30 years I always used Howard’s wonderful talk via film and DVD entitled “The Family That Prays Together”. I praise God for the many families and individuals who our Lord spoke to through Howard’s expertise in this vital area.
Bruce Murray
I will always remember his first words at the start of the last class of DTS, “ congratulations you are now completely adequate to be totally useless”.
Doug Bassett
I had the privilege of being in Dr. Hendrick’s BE 101 class in the Spring of 2010. I believe that was his last semester teaching. What a blessing to be in that class!
Jonathon Hallett
The first class I walked into at DTS, I saw an aged, eyepatch-sporting pirate at the front podium: Prof Hendricks. Within seconds he captivated our entire class with his quick wit and obvious love for us. I took down more Hendricks quotes than study notes. Three years later, I walked trembling into Prof Hendrick’s office looking for a listening ear to talk about a book project I had in mind. He gave me solid advice–”Find a real author to help you with this!”–and an unshakable confidence that I could make a difference. “I’m on your team,” he said. “Do what God has called you to do.” My blog, “Liberty for Captives,” owes its existence in large part to Prof Hendrick’s cheerleading. Thanks, Prof Hendricks. See you later.
Stephen Smith
There I was, teaching the Bible every week, but really wishing I could see the meaning in the text better. I remember picking up Living By The Book in a Christian book store on a furlough and thinking, “I just found the Holy Grail!” When I teach a study and teach the Bible course I always make my students buy that book. Mr. Hendricks impacted me through Teaching To Change Lives. It affects everything I do. I thank God for his ministry. He made me want to be a better man.
Rob Dingman
Two years after I graduated (TH.M., 1981), I was pastoring Ruch Community Bible Church in Jacksonville, OR. It was Easter Sunday, April 3, 1983, and Howard Hendricks came to visit me and my wife Martha. He spent the night with us and spoke at our Easter Sunday service. The church was packed. He stayed afterward for dinner with us. I’ll never forget that out of 10,000 students, he cared for me.
Ron McKay
I was quite mad when, instead of appreciating my performance with ‘Nick’ my puppet like my classmates were doing, he went on to describe another person who performed with two puppets instead of one! I eventually learned to use two puppets at the same time. Dr. Hendricks had the gift of taking you to the next level. I remain forever grateful to him.
Devendra K. Rai, Regional Director, East Asia Pacific, CBS
The Prof was my faculty advisor and one of the three most influential men in my life and ministry. I am saddened to hear of his death, but celebrate the impact that he had on so many of us and know that he is in the presence of our Lord. He was always available, visible on campus, accessible and he really cared about what was going on in our lives. Following his retirement he was succeeded, but men like him are never replaced! He had a special affinity for those of us called to serve as military chaplains. I am grateful beyond words for the investment that he made in my life.
Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”
Dave Farr
Prof was the best teacher I ever had (and I had some excellent ones), and he was a great man. His love for Christ and his word was infectious, and what he taught about studying Scripture and following Christ sunk deep within me and never stopped growing. I will miss him until I get to see him again on the other side of the grave. I will always be deeply grateful for his dedication to Christ and his Church, and that I had the opportunity to sit in his classes and drink deeply from his lessons and his life.
Bill Watkins
After hearing Doc. at the Boston SS convention i applied to D.T.S. Best decision I ever made. My whole ministry of pastoral teaching (47 yrs.)was influenced by prof.He was gracious but always called me to a higher level.
I will always be grateful for DTS and for Dr. Hendricks
Robert Emery
Over the years, Prof wrote me several notes “out of the blue,” thanking me for my work at the seminary and how great it was to “have you on our team.” I could live and work for at least 10 years on each of those notes. Prof is my reminder of how we need to build up those around us, even unexpectedly, because we are all so starved for affirmation in the ordinary, where most of us live.
Gene Pond
Class of 1977
Russell M. Long
In 1981 Dr. Hendicks visited Australia at my churches invitation. He had the opportunity of speaking at what was considered the most evangelical college (seminary) in our city. After sharing with the students, and then the staff, in his own style he said, as we drove away, “Ian, this place is dead, but it won’t lie down. You need to start a new seminary.” & months later, with his encouragement, along with Dr. Pentecost and others, we opened the Adelaide College (Seminary) of Ministries. He continued to support us and made another visit with Jeanne some years later. ACM continues strongly and our memories of Dr. Hendricks are lasting.He was a wonderful communicator, an infectious and challenging man, who has left an indelible print here at ACM and in the lives of all who heard him and knew him. Our thanks are to God and to Jeanne, and our prayers are with the family at this time.
Ian Dunn
What a treasured privilege it has been to enjoy Prof’s profound giftedness, always infecting, equipping, and inspiring us to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
Jim Dunkerton
I was privileged to be one of Prof’s students. He exuded a love for Christ, a belief that whatever we do for God should be done with excellence and a love for his students. He is a wonderful example of finishing strong for Jesus.
Wayne Clark
In 1995 He spoke at Promise Keppers in Wash. DC. “Said if you have not been Mentored your your not a Christian.” I bought his book on it and been mentoring Men since and especially in Prison Ministries. He’ll be missed but he’s better off.
John P. Mentus
My time in class with him was the first time I had ever met someone so clearly and lovingly seek to encourage such a deep sense of urgency for the engagement of God’s Word.
Tizita Seifu
I’ve never forgotten the implied lesson from the following admonition . . . quoted from memory: “Some of you were raised in a Christian home, attended a Christian school through high school, attended a Christian college, and now you’re here in seminary. And you think that you have something to say to people who have not had the benefit of your small, privileged experience.” Prof. Hendricks
Timothy Kirk
Dr. Hendricks lecture at Toronto Bible College years ago has had a profound impact on my preaching. Wonderful man in so man ways.
Jim Beattie
Prof was the only teacher I ever had who was more interested in what I was learning than in what he was teaching. Everything I am as a husband, father, minister, and professor have their roots deep in his teaching as he always pointed us to the Savior.
Michael S. Lawson, Ph.D.
I will never forget prof’s famous quotes: “you cannot give what you do not possess”, “may his tribe increase”, “you cannot build a skyscraper on the foundation of a chicken coup” and “readers are leaders, and leaders are readers”. Thank you for investing your life thru DTS, CCC, Navigators, WTB and so many leaders that changed my life. Thank you for you and Jeanne coming to South Africa in 1993 and believing in us. God used you generationally. Your student, Martin.
Martin Deacon
We graduated in 1982 and enjoyed our classes with Prof as well as ladies Bible study with Jeanne in their home. He showed us genuine love and care for others. Can we imagine what he is enjoying? WOW!
Faith and Hope Hovey–(twins) Faith Grider, Hope Buchan
Another of my heroes has preceded me to glory! Prof impacted my life with his contagious passion for God and His Word. No one could communicate the Scriptures quite like Prof. You could never get enough of His teaching. When I went to DTS in the Sixties, I wanted to take every course that he taught. I will never forget the times that he accepted our invitation to lunch in our little seminary apartment. Grace and I were so nervous, but he made us feel like we were family. Whenever I would see him, he would always ask about Grace. With all the thousands of students he taught, I was amazed at his personal concern. God gave us an amazing gift in Prof and I will always cherish the memories of him. Heaven became even more anticipated and exciting as we look forward to being with another soldier who has gone home.
David Allen
No one in our lifetime taught like Howard Hendricks. Prof Hendricks taught us how to study the Bible— and apply it. He also let us see how God worked in his marriage to the lovely and wise Jeanne Hendricks. Prof served as an example of what the grace of God and the power of the Savior can do in a person—and a marriage— yielded to Him.
Al Valdes
One of the biggest spiritual lessons I learned in seminary was from Dr. Hendricks the first day of class as we were going through the course syllabus. Such was the Prof. I still remember not only what he said but also what he looked like while he said it. -And that was well over 20 years ago.
Fred Schuckert
Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity or privilege to be in a class with him directly. But, I indirectly benefited from the fruit of his ministry at my church, over the radio, in my class assignments, and lectures from professors he taught. He truly left it all on the field of service for the Lord and I join with many others in saying “well done” and I look forward to fellowshipping with you one day in Heaven. Blessings!
Chris Wheel
After retiring from SEND Int’l mission in 1993 I served as “Minister to Seniors” at Kenwood Baptist Church of Cincinnati. I attended several conferences where ministry to seniors was the focus. Prof. Hendricks was the speaker at one of those conferences and he gave me personal encouragement to continue. Though I was just one of 10,000 of those who had passed through his classroom he was able to be personal and I felt like he was my friend. Unforgettable!
John Bascom ‘62
He and others he trained made me want to train the trainers. He touched so many and changed our lives.
Beverly Lucas
I expect that each of us who sat in “101 Homiletics” would want to say that Professor Hendricks was the greatest teacher we ever had. I would say that in captial letters! He was inspiring – we want to teach the way he did, with the same motive – love for the Lord.
John Bascom, ‘62
Prof Howard Hendricks was used of the LORD to set me on fire about Discipleship. Thank you Lord Jesus for the Prof.
Charles A. Whipple
A great encourager and challenger who deeply touched the lives of both my wife, Mel, who was his secretary for 3 1/2 years, and my own. Among the many things he taught and said, “Keep the cookies on the lower shelf. God said ‘Feed my sheep, not my giraffes.” has come to mind so many times. I take great joy in sharing some of his work through giving “Living By the Book” to any growing Christian who will take it.
Dick and Mel Wade
I remember being in Prof’s class “The Teaching Process”. It was a small class and I was shy. One afternoon he looked at me and said “Geoff, lead us in prayer.” My jaw dropped to my fifth rib! How did he even know my name?
I was so stunned I took a minute to compose my thoughts – and in the momentary quietness was beaten to praying by a class mate, another ‘Jeff” – Jeff Gangel, who arrived late and hadn’t seen Prof look at me as he asked me to pray. At the end of Jeff’s prayer, Prof declared a world first – “I have NEVER seen ventriloquil prayer in my whole life until now”. We salute you Prof! You taught so that we’d never forget.We will remember you forever!
Geoff Smith, Auckland New Zealand
Many men have had influence in my life, only three have had impact. One of them is Prof Hendricks. His course on Bible Study methods taught me not only how to study, but it changed my inner life. His course on Marriage radically affected my life with Linda and our kids. I have many memories. In an elective on the Training of the Twelve, he stressed that the most important thing for Jesus in the equipping of his men, was increasing their faith. I will never forget on day I went into his office full of visionary and poorly conceived ideas and in his distinctive twang said, “Dillow, you can’t be everybody’s messiah.” He wanted me to focus life a rifle and not scatter like a shotgun (a weakness of mine). I will never forget him and praise God for all he has meant in my life, my ministry and my marriage. I love you, Prof and will see you in 10 or 15 years.
Jody Dillow
I am so glad I made a special effort a few years ago to see prof. and thank him for helping me recover my intellectual self-worth from an equally difficult childhood. He was the one man who did that by the design of his coursework.
Scott Chandler
Of all the professors in college and seminary days, Prof. is the one who had the greatest impact on my life. In spite of the enormous impact on thousands, he exemplified true humility and strong dedication to his calling. His uncompromising commitment to the Scriptures burned deep into my spirit. I long remember one day on the campus at DTS his invitation to walk a couple of blocks for coffee. We just talked and he listened. I was so impressed that he would take the time to just be with me when I knew his busy schedule and obligations could have taken him to other pursuits.I love and admire him deeply and I mourn his departure to Heaven, though it is better by far that he is there.
Hilton Jarvis
I had come to the conviction that the Lord was calling me into some form of full time ministry. However, in my first year at DTS I was not sure that it was the school for me. Then I took a required course from Howard. He became one of two or three professors in my life who lit my fire. I decided to stick with this fire starter, stayed, took every course he taught and graduated. He became one of three of the most significant people in my life. He was an incredible model of effective teaching and, along with Jeanne, models of Christian living. Every ten years or so I’ve written him to say, “I cannot imagine being in full time ministry and not to have been trained by you. Thank you so very much.”
Gloria in Excelsis Deo for this man of God.
Robert Baird Ohman
A note on the “darker side” of this, my good buddy. We were at Wheaton together, one year apart. One dark night, Howie, together with a gang of his class buddies, marched into my room, grabbed me, and drug me out to the lagoon north of town.There they unceremoniously threw me into the cold, cold water. While I have reminded Howie about this matter a number of times over the years, he has never shown any sympathy or sorrow or repentence over his blatant involvemnet in this heinous crome. Perhaps the good Lord will talk to him about this, and when I see Howie again, he’ll be a bit more sympathetic.
Brad (“Tex”) Lapsley, of the Great CLass of ‘52
He enriched my life by showing me how to mine the gold mine of God’s Word. He delighted me by telling me stories of my Savior that I shall never forget. He gave me the match that lit the flame for “the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path.” Thank you, Prof, for the joy of learning from you.
Bill Slonaker
It was an incredible privilege to take classes from Prof. The seeds that he planted continue to produce a great harvest by God’s grace. It is such a blessing to read the comments and hear the stories about this wonderful spiritual warrior.
Harold Gretzinger
My wife and I will forever be grateful to DTS. However, Prof will continue to be an inspiration to us throughout our period of ministry. We are profoundly indebted to him for the spiritual leadership he modeled both in and out of the classroom.
Good bye, Prof. Take your rest now. Your works will follow. The morning will be here soon a and we shall meet again.
Dr. Peter Morgan (1986) ABWE Missionary to St. Lucia
Peter/Bibiana Morgan – ABWE – St. Lucia, West Indies
Prof’s genuine attention to us as students truly enriched our lives in Christ. See you soon, Prof.
Sujaya James
Carver College
I never knew “Prof”. I learned of him through the teaching of Chip Ingram and some other prominent ministers who studied under “Prof” and referred to him many times. I have benefited immensely from the impact that “Prof” had on his students. Thank you “Prof” for your faithful service to the Lord!
Kris Jordan
My introduction to “Prof” was through my husband a graduate of Dallas Seminary, his book “Teaching to Change Lives” drastically changed and transformed me! My students learned I learned! Obeservation, Interpretation and Application everything “Prof” taught, to learn and love God’s Word with all your heart, mind and soul! He lived it, breathed it and taught it! You learned as you laughed and all to the Glory of our Awesome Lord! Thank you Lord for “Prof” your good and faithful servant is now Home!
Yami Valdes
Prof Hendrick’s Sunday School Teacher story. Dr. Hendricks childhood Sunday School teacher was very low on the IQ scale but high on God’s scale. He was always coming by and picking up Prof Hendricks and others when he was a child and teaching him Bible @ Sunday School. I remember Prof Hendricks telling us the thing I remembered about his was not his teaching so much but that “He Loved Us”. That’s what I Prof Hendrick’s Sunday School Teacher story. Dr. Hendrick’s childhood Sunday School teacher was very low on the IQ scale but high on God’s scale. He was always coming by and picking up Prof Hendricks and other children when he was a child and teaching him Bible @ Sunday School. I remember Prof Hendricks telling us the thing he remembered was not his teaching so much but that “He Loved Us”. I’ve told that story around the world many times. It just struck me so much when Prof Hendricks told us that story 23 years ago. I knew that although Prof Hendricks was a Professor, a Dr. at DTS, a well educated and gifted teacher, he had the same heart for us as his old Sunday School teacher had for him. I never forgot it and have made this my goal.Thank you Lord for Prof Hendricks and the heart you gave him for his students and for his Sunday School teacher whom he’s now with in your presence.
John Attwood
I graduated from DTS in 1978 and still have papers Prof graded with handwritten comments – I will treasure them the rest of my life; he has impacted my life more than any man with the possible exception of my Dad.
Scott Susong
I sat in the first course that Howie Hendricks ever taught at Dallas Theological Seminary. In the first class session he announced, “There will be no mid-term exam and there will be no final exam.” There was pause, and then he promised, “But you will have daily assignments and by the end of the semester I will have plenty of data on which to grade your work.” He was intelligent, witty, loaded with the best information, and fun. Apparently he noticed that I took copious notes as he lectured, because as he prepared to teach the same course the next year he came to me as I was studying in the library and asked if he could borrow my notes that I had taken on that course. I was honored to oblige, and he returned my notes a few days later. Prof. Hendricks was one of a kind, without a peer in the world. With every memory of him I will ask God to convey my Christian love to Professor Howard Hendricks. And when I join him in Heaven I will enthusiastically sit in his class again.
Edward Rowe
One of the highlights of my wife’s and my time at DTS was the Discipleship class that I took my 4th year. That personal time with “Prof” and only 12 others in that class was ‘priceless!’ But to complete the package, “Prof” had Jeanne take the student’s wives into their home for a time of discipleship as well. Oh, and who of us will ever forget that FIRST class we had with “Prof,” BIBLE, and those 75 observations, then 75 more observations(!) … as the Word of God became SO real to us!!! To God be the Glory for this Servant who opened the depths of Scripture to us.
Mike Nemmers
The reason I came to DTS in ‘76 was due to listening to the audio tapes of Prof that were passed around while I was with the Navigators. I had no other aspirations than to be around this man who spoke like no other. I remembered him saying “Gentlemen… this book changed my life!” and the bookstore would be sold out 20 minutes after class ended.
Jim Roche
My first class, first day at DTS was in Prof’s Bible Study Methods course. After he prayed, his first words were, “One of the problems with people around this place is that we are teaching you to answer all of the questions that nobody out there is asking.” … and then in every encounter I had with Prof over four years he taught us the questions that people out there were asking … and the answers.
Ray Bandi
The Prof quip that has stuck with me most: “If you can do anything else (besides ministry) do it. If you can’t, you’re in the right place (DTS).” Life & ministry don’t look like I thought they would, but I’ve come to realize how on target Prof was. His desire to finish well & his well-run race inspire me for every hard day.
Kelly Arabie
Outside of my salvation, being in Prof’s class changed my life:
1. I learned how to study my Bible.
2. I met my wife.
I am thankful to God for him.
He will be missed.
Judd Rumley
Prof taught me, no matter how stressful the ministry may get, to never take myself too seriously. What a legacy he leaves for so many!
David Gough
We here at Word of Life are so thankful for Prof Hendricks. He has profoundly marked this ministry and our lives. I’ll never forget his admonition at the end of a letter he sent to me some years back,…”Lie low, exalt Christ.” What amazing words to live by!
Don Lough, Jr.
I will always remember when I was on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and when he spoke at our United States staff conference. His words made a big impact in my life. Prof. Said “ I keep trying to tell God how much I know and He keeps saying back to me, how little you’ve applied.” Thank You Dr. Hendricks
Dave Crumley
So many defining moments. One that truly changed the course of my life was 2 years into the first church I served, I was planning on leaving the church and trying to go to medical school. Had a “plan,” my wife was supportive, and I was just about ready to leave church ministry. I went to have lunch with The Prof and get his blessing. I can’t count too many times he was ever angry with me, but he ate silently as I waxed on about what I hoped to do — knowing his love of medicine — thinking he’d be thrilled. At the end of my enthusiastic sales pitch, he looked at me and said, “Michael, you’ve been given a stewardship. We turned down 3 other men when you came to the seminary to let you in. I know doctors’ lives and they don’t get to do what we’re doing (and he pointed to us having lunch). You’ve got a stewardship. What are you going to do with it?” As I drove back home, some 30 minutes, through tears I knew he was right and determined I’d say in the local church. It was the death of a dream to go into medicine but it was the awakening to serve Christ with what I had been given from DTS and The Prof. The stories will go on and on. Teacher. Mentor. Encourager. Friend. I will miss him the rest of my life. I love you Prof. Wish I could see and hear the “Well done…”
Michael Easley
Pass on “Prof’s” Wisdom
Below are several resources in honor of “Prof’s” legacy
Wisdom from “Prof”
- Heaven is a person: Jesus.
- Never traffic in unpracticed truth.
- You are able to do many things. But be sure you find the one thing you must do.
- There’s no one without significant creative potential.
- You never graduate from the school of discipleship.
- If you’re just like someone else, we don’t need you.
- How big is your God? The size of your God determines the size of everything.
- There’s no such thing as faith apart from risk-taking. Creativity takes risk. The people who are most secure in Jesus Christ shouldn’t be scared to try new things.
- You cannot impart what you do not possess.
- The teacher has not taught until the student has learned.
- Nothing is more common than unfulfilled potential.
- The Bible was not given to make us smarter sinners, but to change our lives.
- The greatest curse that pervaded the university is apathy.
- The measure of you as a leader is not what you do, but what others do because of what you do.
- In the spiritual realm, the opposite of ignorance is not knowledge, it's obedience.
- A belief is something you will argue about. A conviction is something you will die for.
- It is a sin to bore a child with the Word of God.
- You can impress people at a distance, but you can impact them only up close.
- Biblically speaking, to hear and not to do is not to hear at all.
- In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, Christians are stuttering.
- You can control your choices but you can't control the outcome of those choices.
- If you want to continue leading, you must continue changing.
- Experience is not the best teacher; evaluated experience is.
- If we stop learning today, we stop teaching tomorrow.
- Leaders are readers, and readers are leaders.
Howard G. Hendricks Endowment Fund
In lieu of flowers, Dr. Hendricks would want those who wish to honor his legacy to be generous with their resources toward the ministries, organizations, and churches with which he was associated that have most impacted their lives. To God be all the glory!