The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness offers a broad array of decision support services to all units of the Seminary and to external bodies as necessary. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the collection, analysis, and interpretation of institutional data and the provision of information to support planning and decision making.

The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness has two components, IR (Institutional Research) and IE (Institutional Effectiveness).

Institutional Research (IR)

IR oversees the collection of information used for strategic decision making at DTS. This information is obtained from various instruments, such as:

  1. Entering Student Survey
  2. Test of Biblical and Theological Knowledge (TBTK)
  3. Adult Student Priorities Survey
  4. Graduating Student Survey
  5. Alumni Survey

We also help with the reporting and interpretation of these data, which are used to assess the process of developing godly servant-leaders at Dallas Seminary.

Institutional Effectiveness (IE)

IE is a process which measures how we are improving as an institution at providing high quality educational programs and services. The IE office works with every department to answer the following questions:

  1. Is the Seminary operating according to its mission and expanded statement of purpose?
  2. Is the Seminary accomplishing what it set out to accomplish?
  3. What can the Seminary do to improve the quality of education provided to students?
  4. Have the Seminary’s improvement efforts produced meaningful and positive changes within the institution?
