
To ensure Dallas Theological Seminary’s doctrinal statement is positioned to continue its identity-shaping function for generations to come, the Board of Incorporate Members (BIM) completed a multi-year review of the statement for the purpose of clarifying the seminary's theological positions. None of DTS’s doctrinal convictions changed. Instead, the review strengthened them by increasing their clarity and precision.

In May 2022, the BIM unanimously approved the strengthened DTS doctrinal statement.



A Christian institution’s commitment to the triune God and the Christian faith requires faithfulness to its convictions amid changing cultures and circumstances.

Since its founding in 1924, DTS has equipped godly servant leaders to know, proclaim, and live according to God’s revelation in Holy Scripture. The longevity of this commitment rests on the foundation of God’s grace, the seminary doctrinal statement serving as a chief building block. Considering its identity-shaping role, it is incumbent on the seminary to ensure its doctrinal statement remains clear for successive generations.


DTS has been cautious with revising its doctrinal statement. Since the seminary's founding in 1924, the doctrinal statement has been revised twice—1952 and 1976. Both occasions developed from the need to increase clarity of the seminary’s beliefs or to respond to a pressing contemporary issue. In 2018, over four decades since the last revision, the BIM recognized the need for DTS to clarify and update the doctrinal statement once again. The changing meaning of terms and societal drift in seminal theological areas required renewed clarification. Specifically, DTS aimed to strengthen the statement by making its original intent clearer and increasing attention on issues facing the present culture, which were not imagined by the statement's architects or subsequent reviewers.


The BIM, select sub-committees, and expert consultants aimed to clarify the doctrinal statement's original intent, address critical issues facing contemporary culture, and update terminology.

They focused on theological accuracy and clarity concerning distinct categories:

  • Doctrinal Completeness—doctrinal aspects requiring greater prominence
  • Human Sexuality—the seminary's commitment to Scripture's sexual ethic
  • Theological Terminology—occasional use of ambiguous language and use of pronouns
  • Support Passages—biblical citations used for doctrinal support
  • Format—consistency of grammar, syntax, and form with contemporary standards

Parallel Versions

Each doctrinal statement article below displays three versions designed to make doctrinal statement updates transparent.

  • 2022 Version—The Board of Incorporate Members (BIM) unanimously approved this version in May 2022. It is the seminary's current doctrinal statement.
  • Red-Letter Updates—The version shows in red text and strikethroughs all changes between the previous version (1976) and the current version (2022).
  • 1976 Version—This is the doctrinal statement approved by the BIM in 1976 and remained binding until the BIM approved the current version (2022).

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