The Master of Arts in Jewish Studies degree program is designed to prepare students who desire to serve among the Jewish people.
The Curriculum
The three year MAJS program combines DTS’s expertise in Bible exposition and theology with MJTA’s and ICB’s expertise in Jewish history, literature, and ministry strategy.
Biblical Exposition
BE5101 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics
BE5102 Old Testament History I
BE5103 Old Testament History II & Poetry
BE5104 Old Testament Prophets
BE5105 The Gospels
BE5106 Acts & Pauline Epistles
BE5107 Hebrews, General Epistles, and Revelation
BE5109 Ruth, Psalms, Jonah, and Selected Epistles
Systematic Theology
ST5101 Theological Method and Bibliology
ST5102 Trinitarianism
ST5103 Angelology, Anthropology, and Hamartiology
ST5104 Soteriology
ST5105 Sanctification and Ecclesiology
ST5106 Eschatology
Jewish Studies
OT5103 Hebrew Exegesis and Old Testament Introduction I
OT5104 Hebrew Exegesis and Old Testament Introduction II
Jewish Studies Electives – 21 credit hours
Spiritual and Ministry Formation
SF5100 Spiritual Formation
PM5105 Christian Life and Witness
INT5190 Ministry Formation Internship
EML5105 Teaching Process OR MIM5210 Intercultural Communication
MAJS Approved Electives*
Choose 21 hours from the following in keeping with the program goals:
Electives from Messianic Jewish Theological Academy (German/English) | Electives from Israel College of the Bible (English) | Electives from DTS (English) |
History of Jewish People | Messiah in the Hebrew Bible | Any OT elective |
History of Judaism and Messianic Judaism | Biblical Geography | Any NT elective |
Introduction to Rabbinic Literature and Talmud | Biblical Archeology | Any BE elective |
Synagogue Worship and Liturgy | Jewish Perspectives on Jesus and the New Testament | MIM5345 Ministry in Jewish Contexts |
History of Jewish-Christian Relations | Introduction to Rabbinic Literature | Contemporary Jewish Evangelism** |
Literature of Second Temple Period | History of Jewish-Christian Relations | Contemporary Jewish Ministry** |
Traditional Jewish LIfestyles | Introduction to Jewish Philosophy** | |
Jewish Outreach and Apologetics | Rebirth of Messianic Judaism in the Land of Israel** | |
Survey of Jewish biblical Interpretation** | ||
Rashi and Peshat Interpretation of the Bible** |
*Students will take the majority of his/her Jewish Studies electives (15 of 21 hours) from either the Messianic Jewish Theological Academy or Israel College of the Bible. Students can also supplement those electives with Jewish studies electives from DTS (and future electives from Jews for Jesus and Chosen People Ministries) with approval by the academic degree advisor.
**Future electives
Program Details
Program Goals
Students in the MAJS program will:
- Evidence a general knowledge of Christian theology, including an ability to support their theological views
- Demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible, including an understanding of the message and arguments of specific books of the Bible
- Display Christlikeness in their pursuit of knowledge and relationships within the seminary community
- Demonstrate an understanding of Jewish history, culture, and foundational literary works
- Communicate the Bible effectively in a Jewish context
Course Requirements
Seventy-four credit hours of coursework are required as a minimum for graduation. The MAJS requires 12 hours be completed in real-time. Of the 74 required credit hours in the MAJS, 21 are in prescribed Bible Exposition courses, 18 are in prescribed Systematic Theology courses, 27 are in Jewish Studies courses, and 8 are in Spiritual and Ministry Formation courses (including INT5190 Ministry Formation Internship).
Israel College of the Bible
Israel College of the Bible (ICB) was founded in 1990 as the result of the conviction of several Israeli pastors that the establishment of a national Bible College was necessary to serve the indigenous Israeli Messianic Body. Today, Jewish and Arab believers come from all over Israel to study the Bible, theology, counseling, and practical ministry at both the BA and MA level. ICB is located in Netanya, Israel (in the greater metropolitan area of Tel Aviv) and is accredited by both the Asia Theological Association (ATA) and the European Council for Theological Education (ECTE). Both the ECTE and ATA are members of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). DTS students will have the opportunity to take master level courses with ICB either in Israel or online, and ICB students will have the opportunity to take master level courses at DTS either in Dallas or online.
Messianic Jewish Theological Academy
The Messianic Jewish Theological Academy (MJTA) is a theological training institution offering an academic degree in theology with the goal of preparing individuals who are called to leadership roles in the Messianic Movement and for different ministries of the Gospel among the Jewish people. MJTA aims at a healthy integration of theological reflection and practical ministry as well as the development of a godly character and practical love for the people of Israel. Classes are held mostly live online with a focus on Messianic Jewish theology, movement, and ministry. MJTA is a member of the European Council for Theological Education (ECTE) and is pursuing accreditation in partnership with ECTE.

Financial Aid
Through our donors and Foundation, we are able to offer hundreds of scholarships to students every year.

Logos Bible Software
Every student at DTS receives a copy of Logos Bible Software customized with additional commentaries and resources, and DTS courses integrate Logos into assignments and learning.