Logos Software

Dallas Theological Seminary is committed to equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of God’s Word and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide.  Because study of the entire Bible is a central characteristic of the curriculum, DTS has partnered with Faithlife to provide students with a custom Logos Bible Software package filled with over $14,000 worth of books and tools. 

Every student who graduates from any master’s or doctoral degree program will keep their Logos package for life!


Any enrolled DTS student taking a course for credit will be given access to Logos before the beginning of their first course.  Once Logos sends notification stating your account is ready, next steps can be found at www.logos.com/academic-start.  


Chris McMaster teaching
Office: Todd 210 | [email protected]

Chris McMaster is a Logos Training Specialist dedicated to equipping students at Dallas Theological Seminary.  Chris offers many on-campus and online training opportunities each semester.  Sign up for live events and start watching on-demand training below.

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The DTS Logos Package is filled with thousands of resources for biblical and theological study.  There are three main parts to the DTS package students receive:

  1. Logos Max Subscription Features (temporary)
    There are features in Logos that are only available through a paid subscription. These include AI and Cloud-based features that create cost when used. DTS students get temporary access to all these features until graduation. You have the choice to continue to subscribe to these features with your academic discount after graduation.

    List of Current Subscription-Only Features
  2. Logos 10 Full Features
    DTS students also receive the Logos 10 Full Features. This means that graduates will own most Logos features other than those that rely on AI.
  3. DTS Logos Library
    The DTS Logos Library is a custom collection of resources designed to support the needs of DTS students and benefit their future ministries. DTS provides these libraries in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Upon graduation, you will own this library permanently.

    English Package Contents
    Spanish Package Contents
    Chinese Package Contents
  4. Logos Research Subscription
    DTS is passionate about providing an abundance of resources to students even if they do not have access to a physical library. As a result, DTS has also provided students with temporary access to the Logos Research Subscription in Logos. Upon graduation, access to the resources in this collection will be removed.

    The following bundles make up this temporary collection:

    Lexham Press Logos Research Subscription Collection
    Galaxie’s Theological Journals
    Classic Scholarship Collection
    Logos Mobile Education Video Library (video only)