The Master of Sacred Theology degree program is designed to provide advanced study in a specific area in the biblical, theological, and ministry disciplines, whether related to Christian service or academic study. This program is open to those who have previously attained a Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent.
The Master of Sacred Theology degree designed for those who have graduated from a standard three-year seminary program and desire an additional year of advanced studies in preparation for Christian service and advanced theological study including doctoral work.
The Curriculum
Biblical and Theological Studies
OT5103 Hebrew Exegesis and Old Testament Introduction I
NT5104 Introduction to New Testament Exegesis
ST5101 Theological Method and Bibliology
HT5200 History of Doctrine
Ministries and Communication
Approved Communication Course
Departmental Courses
RS5102 Senior Research Seminar
Courses in Selected Department – 15 credit hours
Program Details
Program Goals
STM Goals
Students in the STM program will:
- Evidence a general knowledge of Christian theology, including an ability to support their theological views
- Demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible, including an understanding of the message and arguments of specific books of the Bible
- Display Christlikeness in their pursuit of knowledge and relationships within the seminary community
- Demonstrate the ability to exegete the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible
- Communicate the truth of Scripture clearly and accurately
- Critically evaluate a scholarly issue within their chosen area of study
Spiritual Goals
To enable students to evidence an increasing likeness to Christ as manifested in love for God, love for others, and the fruit of the Spirit.
Ministry Goals
To enable students to:
- communicate the Bible effectively
- demonstrate skills in various ministries
- lead a local church or other group by means of biblical exposition, leadership skills, evangelism, and service; and
- be prepared for advanced theological education
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements and application procedures for the STM program are the same as for all programs of study at the seminary (please refer to the Admission section of this catalog for more information), with three exceptions: (1) STM applicants must have attained accredited college and seminary degrees or their respective academic and theological equivalents; (2) transcripts of this work must show a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a scale of 4.0; and (3) applicants must provide a research paper (in English) previously written at the master’s level that shows an acceptable level of competency in research and writing.
Each applicant’s evaluation for admission to the STM program will include a review of the applicant’s completed Mdiv (or equivalent) coursework to ensure the appropriate breadth of preparation necessary to pursue the STM degree. Identified deficiencies must be completed in addition to the standard program requirements.
All STM students must demonstrate exegetical proficiency in Greek and Hebrew. Students who do not have the appropriate Hebrew and Greek courses at the Mdiv level will also be required to take the prerequisite Hebrew and Greek courses as necessary (OT5101–OT5102, NT5101NT5103).
Students who have had Hebrew or Greek at the Mdiv level will need to pass a Hebrew or Greek proficiency exam before enrolling in OT5103 or NT5103. Failure to pass the exams will require the student to enroll in first-year language courses. Prerequisite courses in Hebrew or Greek, if required, will not count toward the 32-hour requirement for the STM degree.
Course Requirements
The STM degree normally requires 32 semester hours of coursework. Students pursuing this degree individually customize their program for their intended ministry goals by selecting courses from one of the following departments of choice (selected in conjunction with Academic Advising): Counseling Ministries, Bible Exposition, Educational Ministries and Leadership, Historical Theology, Media Arts and Worship, Old Testament, New Testament, Pastoral Ministries, Systematic Theology, or Missiology and Intercultural Ministries. For a description of courses offered, please see the catalog.
Transfer of Credit
Transfer of up to six credit hours is allowed towards the STM degree from accredited graduate theological schools. Only courses completed after the conferral of the MDiv degree, and in which a grade of C or better is earned, will be eligible for transfer. Transferability of credits earned at this institution and transferred to another school is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Consult the Registrar’s Office for further information.
Residence Requirements
The STM requires students to take advanced and/or specialized courses in their area of emphasis that may not be available by video conference and are thus offered only on the Dallas campus. In most cases, it will be necessary for STM students to be enrolled in a minimum of three terms of study, which can include the summer term.
All work leading to the STM degree must be completed within six years from the time of matriculation. Extension requires approval by the Credits Committee. Reinstatement in the program after withdrawal requires action by the Admissions Committee and may subject the student to additional requirements for the degree.
Admission to Candidacy
Students may be admitted to candidacy by action of the faculty for the STM degree in the fall or spring semester prior to the semester/term of degree conferral or the semester prior to their participation in the Commencement ceremony after these requirements have been met: (1) grade point average of 2.5; (2) evidence, to the satisfaction of the faculty, of proven Christian character and adherence to the following doctrines: the authority and inerrancy of Scripture, the Trinity, the full deity and humanity of Christ, the spiritual lostness of the human race, the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of Christ, salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, and the physical return of Christ; (3) provision of a written statement of church involvement from the local church regularly attended while in seminary; and (4) provision of a reference form completed by a pastor or spiritual overseer.
Admission to candidacy is valid for one year. Students who postpone degree conferral beyond one year from original admission to candidacy or who postpone participation in the commencement ceremony until the following spring will be required to reapply for admission to candidacy.
Graduation Requirements
Candidates for the STM degree must have completed the required 32 credit hours of coursework with a grade point average of at least 2.5 and must evidence, to the satisfaction of the faculty, ability and acceptability in Christian ministry, proven Christian character, and adherence to the core doctrinal statement.
Diplomas will not be released, transcripts issued, or placement assistance provided unless all financial obligations to the seminary and/or student loan program are current.

Financial Aid
Through our donors and Foundation, we are able to offer hundreds of scholarships to students every year.

Logos Bible Software
Every student at DTS receives a copy of Logos Bible Software customized with additional commentaries and resources, and DTS courses integrate Logos into assignments and learning.