Financial Reports
Audited Financial Statements
The Seminary is committed to financial accountability. We are a member of ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability), and we have a yearly audit of our financial statements by an independent audit firm.
To read and print the reports provided here, Adobe Reader is required.
990 Tax Returns
The 990 and 990-T are annual information tax returns for organizations exempt from tax on some or all of their income. IRS regulations require that these tax returns filed by the Seminary be available for public inspection.
Viewing Reports On-site
The most recent returns are available by visiting the Business Office in person. There is no charge to view the forms on-site.
Requesting Electronic or Printed Copies
For an electronic copy, email the Assistant Controller at [email protected], and you will be emailed an electronic copy free of charge.
Requests for paper copies of tax year returns may be made by sending the amount specified below and your name and address to:
Business Office
Dallas Theological Seminary
3909 Swiss Avenue
Dallas, TX 75204
Copies will be mailed or emailed within 30 days of receipt of payment. The cost for Form 990 is $18.00, and the cost for Form 990-T is $6.00.