Voices of Those Making a Difference
Our voices are powerful. With just a few words, we can tear down and destroy or we can build up, heal, and encourage. Dallas Theological Seminary helps prepare people called by God to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ all over the world. We invite you to explore some of the amazing voices of DTS and hear stories of God’s amazing activity through DTS!
Voices of Inspiration
Legacy of Encouragement

"From a relatively small beginning in 1924, the seminary has grown and expanded, now reaching students all over the world. My hope for the next hundred years is that a global ethos would permeate every aspect of DTS."
Michael Ortiz
ThM, (2008)
Vice President for Global Ministries; Associate Professor of Missiology and Intercultural Ministries

"When I think about DTS, I admire the consistency and reliability of seeking the truth in the authority of the Word. I hope the seminary will remain consistent in teaching truth and loving well. I’m hopeful that DTS will continue to be a reputable institution to train future servants for their kingdom purpose."
Pierre Cannings
ThM, (2013)
Dean of Houston Campus

"I am a beneficiary of DTS’s reputation, and I want to uphold it, praying that DTS continues to hold to the Scriptures as the Word of God."
Rodney H. Orr
ThM, (1990)
Dean of Washington, DC Campus

"As DTS enters its second century, my prayer is that in ever-changing contexts, the seminary will never change in its passion for, diligence in, and prioritization of the values and commitments that grew a fledging institution into a world-class citadel of Christian orthodoxy and orthopraxy. May its vision never stray from the centrality of the gospel and the call to international proclamation of it!"
John D. Hannah
ThD, (1974)
Distinguished Professor of Historical Theology; Research Professor in Theological Studies

"The value of being in the DTS community is that it helps you appreciate why God has designed the church to be a body. I’d encourage others in the community to keep your eye on what you can learn, and keep developing what you do well, even as you see things that need to change. That’s the God-dependent environment I hope will always characterize DTS. I pray that the school continues to grow and adapt as it also seeks to be faithful to applying, not just understanding, Scripture."
Darrell Bock
ThM, (1979)
Senior Research Professor of New Testament; Executive Director of Cultural Engagement

"DTS has proven itself trustworthy by continuing to stand behind its motto, “Preach the Word." The seminary remains strong because it has not wavered from all sixty-six books of God’s Word. We don’t shy away from Greek and Hebrew, nor from the emphasis on teaching and preaching. We will remain anchored in God’s Word."
George Hillman
MDiv, 1994
Vice President for Education; Professor of Educational Ministries & Leadership

"For one hundred years, DTS has remained true to our founder’s vision of honoring God’s powerful Word as the central book of study in order to equip ministry leaders to boldly tell the world about the good news of Jesus Christ. I believe it is our greatest strength."
Kim Till
Sr. Vice President for Advancement

"May DTS continue its legacy of preparing leaders, staying firm in the roots of the school. May the foundation in the Word of God that has characterized DTS these hundred years lead to continued impact on all nations until the Lord returns for his church."
Williams Trigueros
STM, 2015
Director, DTS en Español
Reflections of a Century
"DTS ignited my passion for God's Word and the Greek New Testament, shaping my ministry and daily studies."
Trent Hyatt
ThM (New Testament), 1973
"DTS's faculty profoundly invested in my ministry, grounding me in the Bible and impacting my life deeply."
Ray Ortlund
ThM, 1975
"DTS equipped me with skills in Greek and Hebrew, vital for my current ministry in mentoring future preachers."
Michael LaRue Finley
ThM (New Testament), 1966
"Seminary professors taught, encouraged, and challenged me toward careful biblical exposition and compassionate ministry by modeling Christlike demeanor. Dallas prepared me well for pastoral and both institutional and military chaplaincy."
Allen Douglas Ferry
MABS, 1984
"DTS’ commitment to accurately handle the scriptures and to be able to communicate them in relevant ways to others. A rigorous complement of classes taught by godly, personal, and wise faculty."
Tim Siemens
ThM, 1985
"I learned so much that I use in my everyday walk with the Lord. It wasn't just the education; it was the personal growth, the challenges overcome with divine assistance, and the unwavering support from the faculty that left a lasting impact."
Pamela Hensley
MBTS, 2022
"Much of the teaching I do is based on what I learned at DTS. The education I received was not just academic; it was a life-transforming journey that equipped me to serve in a context far removed from where I started."
Michael Karpf
ThM, 1993, DMin, 2019
"Dallas gave me a good grounding that has helped me through many issues. I have failed in many ways, but it gave me the firm foundation of scripture and the understanding of salvation through grace that has helped me keep going."
William Alan Franklin
ThM, 1982
"The global impact of DTS's education, the way it prepares you to not just serve, but to lead and equip others in diverse cultural contexts, is something I am profoundly grateful for."
Rick Griffith
ThM, 1987, PhD, 1990
"I was shown and instructed in a model of biblical pastoring that I have tried to emulate for 40 years. The wisdom imparted to me, the model of shepherding with integrity, compassion, and biblical fidelity, has shaped my entire ministry philosophy."
Neil Damgaard
ThM, 1983, DMin, 2008
"The education I received was holistic, impacting not just my intellectual growth but also my character and relational abilities. To teach truth with love, to engage not just minds but hearts, that's the legacy of DTS's influence on my life and ministry."
Heather Joy Zimmerman
ThM, 2016
"My education at DTS has influenced everything I have done in ministry since graduation. It's not just the knowledge gained but the wisdom imparted through that knowledge that has shaped my approach to ministry and life."
Shane Tolliver
ThM, 1986
"DTS has provided me with the tools and knowledge to be a more effective Christian educator. The depth of learning and the practical application of that learning have been crucial in my role in Christian education."
Leland Streck
MACE, 1998
"DTS studies, and especially being able to test them in ministry settings, have provided me with a solid foundation for life and ministry. The application of biblical truths in real-world situations has been a cornerstone of my ministry."
David William Ray
MABS, 1982