The purpose of the Department of Missiology and Intercultural Ministries is to motivate, prepare, and mobilize students to fulfill Christ’s mandate to make disciples globally and to make Christ known to all cultures through the DTS community. The department is a resource for the seminary and local communities regarding cross-cultural and intercultural aspects of ministry by providing biblical, theoretical, and practical preparation for intercultural evangelism, church planting, leadership development, Christian education, and Christian higher education.
AS5102 Seminar on Educational Process and World Missions
A study of key issues and practices related to the educational ministry of the local church and the biblical meaning and purpose of missions at home and abroad. Attention is given to developing the educational cycle, as well as to the influence of culture on ministry. Enrollment is limited to students in the Accelerated Advanced Standing program and requires the consent of the Advanced Standing Committee. 3 hours.
MIM5101 Missiological and Intercultural Foundations
A study of the biblical meaning and purpose of missions, missions agencies and instruments, and missions accomplishments, trends, needs, and possibilities. 3 hours.
MIM5205 Cultural Dynamics in Ministry
A consideration of the dimensions and manifestations of culture as they influence ministry, with special attention given to specific skills for exegeting a cultural setting for ministry. 3 hours.
MIM5210 Intercultural Communication
The development and assessment of a theoretical model communication strategies for creating understanding interculturally. 3 hours.
MIM5215 Dynamics of Missionary Development
A seminar for synthesizing intercultural principles from World Missions and Intercultural Studies courses and providing practical preparation for personal development, interpersonal relationships, and ministry effectiveness. Should be taken in the last term of study. 3 hours.
MIM5310 Engaging the Asian World for Christ
This seminar-style course is designed to help students gain an understanding of personal ministry dynamics among people of various Asian cultures. Students will interact with ministry practitioners and current research related to specific contexts chosen by the class. Students will construct an initial ministry plan for a context in which they intend to serve. 3 hours.
MIM5325 Ministry in Multicultural America
A seminar-style study of the cultural, historical, and religious characteristics of ministry in diverse American contexts and of the implications for ministry created by these characteristics. 3 hours.
MIM5330 Ministry in Muslim Contexts
A seminar-style study of the cultural, historical, and religious characteristics of ministry in Muslim contexts and of the implications for ministry created by these characteristics. 3 hours.
MIM5340 Ministry in Chinese Contexts
A seminar-style study of the cultural, historical, and religious characteristics of ministry in Chinese contexts and of the implications for ministry created by those characteristics. 3 hours.
MIM5345 Ministry in Jewish Contexts
A seminar-style study of the cultural, historical, and religious characteristics of ministry in Jewish contexts and of the implications for ministry created by these characteristics. 3 hours.
MIM5350 Engaging Global Contexts
A study of contexts around the world with the goal of preparing students for mission work in international settings, with special attention given to current events, trends, and the status of the church. Although the course will cover a range of global contexts, students will focus their reading and assignments on specific contexts of their interest. Enrollment limited to 18 students. 3 hours
MIM5405 Christian Education in Intercultural Contexts
A consideration of the theoretical, practical, and cultural issues involved in educational ministries in settings outside North America. May also be credited in the Department of Educational Ministries & Leadership (see EML5225). 3 hours.
MIM5410 Theological Education in Intercultural Contexts
A study of issues in educational philosophy, planning, administration, and teaching related to theological education in intercultural ministry settings. May also credit toward the PhD program (with approval from the director of PhD studies). 3 hours.
MIM5412 Ministry to Children at Risk
An exploration of the biblical and theological basis for meeting the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of children at risk both in the U.S. and around the world. Attention will be given to issues such as divorce, abortion, adoption, foster care, poverty, child labor, and human trafficking as they relate to children at risk, as well as to orphans, refugees, and children of war. Opportunities will be provided to learn from guest speakers and organizations that are addressing and effectively ministering to children. 3 hours.
MIM5420 Missions Strategies for Unreached Peoples
A study of ministry to unreached peoples and “closure strategy” in missions, with attention to identification, selection, and entry into modern unreached people groups and the concept of homogeneous units as targets for evangelistic ministry. 3 hours.
MIM5425 Intercultural Church Planting
A study of biblical principles behind church planting in the New Testament, together with case studies and modern research related to church planting in other cultures today. 3 hours.
MIM5430 Arts for a Better Future
Students will learn to help a community recognize, value, and plan to use its own arts to meet local needs and goals. This course also provides an overview of the Create Local Arts Together (CLAT) model of community engagement. Students will interact with this model through three pedagogical cycles, culminating in applying it to real-life context. Enrollment limited to 20 students. May also be credited in the Department of Media Arts and Worship (see MW5430). 3 hours
MIM5440 Foundations of Christian Community Development
A study of foundations and principles for Christian community development as integral to mission in the majority world, with implications for effective practice. 3 hours.
MIM5455 Funding Your Ministry: Theology and Strategy
Study of the theology of fundraising in ministry and missionary support and its implications for strategy and practical approaches in fundraising. 3 hours.
MIM5465 Oral Bible Teaching
Students in this course will be exposed to foundational principles in reproducible oral strategies for evangelism and discipleship for both primary and secondary oral learners. Students will also gain practical training in how to prepare various Bible stories, oral style, through inductive study and how to present those stories in an accurate and interesting way in local church contexts. Enrollment limited to 25 students. 3 hours
MIM5510 Theological Issues in Contemporary Missiology
A study of theological issues affecting missiological thinking in relation to Christianity: the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in a pluralistic world; soteriology—the eternal destiny of the heathen; anthropology—biblical absolutism and cultural relativism; pneumatology—signs and wonders, and other charismatic issues; and eschatology—premillennialism and society. May also be credited in the Department of Theological Studies. 3 hours.
MIM5515 Acts, the Church, and Culture
A seminar-style consideration of the formulation of transcultural ministry principles from sociocultural, theological, literary, and exegetical analyses of selected portions of the Acts narrative. Prerequisites: BE5101 Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics and MIM5101 Missiological and Intercultural Foundations. 3 hours.
MIM5520 A Biblical Theology of Missions
A study of the biblical foundations and purposes of missions, the nature of the missionary vocation, and the authority and scope of the New Testament in relation to missions. 3 hours.
MIM5525 Spiritual Warfare
A course that prepares Christian workers to help themselves and others experience victory over spiritual opposition from the world, the flesh, or satanic sources in their own or others’ cultures. 3 hours.
MIM5530 Cross-Cultural Apologetics and Worldview
A study of worldviews that confront Christians in various cultures and of apologetic methodology useful in evangelizing different people groups in their own religions and cultures. May also be credited in the Department of Theological Studies. 3 hours.
MIM5535 Theology and World Religions
A study of comparisons and contrasts between selected areas of Christian theology and contemporary world religious thought, with a view toward understanding other religions and effectively communicating the gospel. May also be credited for ST5415 Theology and World Religions in the Department of Theological Studies. 3 hours.
MIM5540 Applied Biblical Contextualization
A study of how to understand and apply the Bible faithfully and effectively in changing global contexts. Attention is given to biblical and historical bases and an evangelical hermeneutic and methodology for contextualization. Each student develops a biblically controlled strategy for contextualization and applies that strategy to one issue needing to be addressed from a contextual perspective. 3 hours.
MIM5545 Chinese Historical and Theological Trends
A historical and theological survey of the Chinese church, with attention to the growth of the church in mainland China since 1980 after the Economic Reform. 3 hours.
MIM5550 Global Christian Theology
A study of emerging Christian theologies in global perspective with a view to understanding, evaluating, and constructively contributing to such theologies from a biblical-historical ramework. This course, offered in consultation with the Department of World Missions and Intercultural Studies, may only be taken once as either ST5420 or MIM5550. Prerequisites: ST5101 Theological Method and Bibliology and MIM5101 Missiological and Intercultural Foundations. 3 hours.
MIM5560 Qur’an and the Bible: Intersecting Themes
This course aims to introduce students to the study of the Qur’an as it intersects with the Bible. Special attention will be given to selected topics pertaining to the origins and historical development of the Qur’an and Christianity’s interaction with it since late antiquity. A central point is observing and analyzing the Qur’an’s adaptation of biblical images and narratives to validate Islam. 3 hours.
MIM 5570 Introduction to Sociology of Religion
An introduction to approaching religion from a sociological perspective. This course will cover foundational thinkers in the field, address key concepts such as secularization, investigate sociological research methods, and offer a special focus on the development of evangelicalism as a religious, social, and political force. Enrollment limited to 15 students. May also be credited in the Department of Theological Studies. Prerequisite: ST5101 Theological Method and Bibliology. 3 hours
MIM5901 Independent Study in Missions
Independent research on some aspect of missions not specifically treated in other courses. Credit is allowed proportionate to the amount of work but not to exceed 4 credit hours in any one subject of study. Limited to advanced students and subject to consent of the professor. 1–4 hours.
MIM5902 World Missions and Intercultural Studies Thesis
Independent research and writing of a thesis on an approved topic under the supervision of two faculty advisors. Students will have one calendar year to complete the thesis. If the thesis is not completed by the end of a year, students will be registered in MIM5903. Enrollment requires consent of the department. 2 or 3 hours.
MIM5903 World Missions and Intercultural Studies Thesis Continuation
The thesis continuation course is required of all students writing a thesis who are beyond one year in the thesis process. Thesis continuation is permitted for a maximum of one additional term (for a 2-hour thesis, including summer) or two additional terms (for a 3-hour thesis, including summer). 1 hour.
MIM5905 Special Topics in World Missions
This course is designed for students who choose to participate in special conferences, training, or programs that are more formal in nature and require student participation other than a standard independent study. Approved special topics will provide expertise or training not specifically covered in the seminary curriculum. Credit is allowed proportionate to the required amount of work but is not to exceed four credit hours on any one topic. Enrollment requires consent of the department. 1–4 hours.
MIM5909 Mission Field Research
On-the-field training and research, including twelve hours in pre-field analysis and orientation, six to eight weeks in another culture under the guidance of missions personnel, and the completion of a research project. 2 hours.