Weapons Policy
DTS prohibits the possession and use of firearms and other potential weapons (e.g. knives, clubs, swords,
spears, axes, arrows) on or in its property. This prohibition includes any devices that might reasonably be
mistaken for a firearm or other weapon and applies to the Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and Washington DC
locations as well as all DTS owned or leased classrooms, offices, residential areas, and/or library spaces
used by DTS for lodging and educational purposes.
Some states, including the state of Texas, allow a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on property or
in buildings owned or leased by an institution of higher education. However, as a private institution, the
seminary is allowed to and has opted out of this provision. Firearms are prohibited in any DTS owned building
or site where DTS classes are held or services provided and are prohibited in DTS vehicles only. In states
where it is legal, license holders may keep firearms in their vehicles while parked on campus or at an
extension site. Exceptions to this policy must be authorized in advance and in writing by the administration. A
confidential request for exception is available by sending an email to the DTS chief of police at
[email protected].
DTS also strictly prohibits the declaration, display, or inadvertent disclosure of a firearm by a license holder.
The open carry of a firearm on the premises, on any public or private driveway, street, walkway, or parking
area of any institution of higher education is prohibited by Texas and other states’ laws.
Furthermore, DTS weapons policy prohibits the display of other weapons, or imitations thereof, or bladed
instruments with blades longer than 5.5 inches unless in an enclosed, secured display case that precludes
the ready access to the weapon. According to Texas House Bill 1935 (2017) and Texas Penal Code 46, DTS is
"location restricted" to include its owned or leased residential areas and prohibits carrying knives with blades
longer than 5.5 inches. Knives are considered weapons as are any bladed hand instrument capable of
inflicting severe bodily injury or death by cutting or stabbing a person with the instrument. The 5.5-inch
measurement includes the length of the flat-edged part of the knife, up to but not including the handle. Types
of knives include throwing stars (and any other type of throwing knife), swords, spears, switchblade knives,
pocketknives, and Balisongs (butterfly knives). Moreover, blades under 5.5 inches are expected to be stored
responsibly and in a non-threaten manner. NB: DTS exempts cutlery stored in the residential kitchens for
culinary purposes.
Violations of the DTS Weapons Policy is a serious offense and will be referred to both internal administrative
and external police authorities.